Tuesday, June 14, 2011

are u in love?

when u are together with special someone,
u pretend to ignore that person...
but when that special someone is not around,
u might look around to find them...

at that moment, u are in love...

although there is someone else who always make u laugh,
ur eyes and attention might go only to that special someone..

then, u are in love...

although that special someone was supposed to have called u long back
to let u know of their save arrival ur phone is quiet...
u are desprately waiting for the call...

at that moment, u are in love...

if u are much more excited for one short sms
from that special someone than other many long sms...
then, u are in love...

when u find yourself as one who
cant erase all the massage in ur answering machine
bcoz of one mssge from that special someone...
u are in love...

u kept telling yourself..
"that special someone is just a friend.."
but u realized that u cant avoid that person's special attraction...

at thah moment, u are in love...

while u are reading this page...
someone appears in ur mind...
with that person...

p/s : "By knowing a person, you know yourself...You become the person you photograph. You love that person as you love yourself..." -Anonymous-

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

word/s verification.

lap top on--> waiting...-->start--> google chrome--> fb -->dashboard....

jeling kat title entri ni...ape anda pikir yept?
xda ape2 pn sbenarnya.cume aku agak tergeletek la dengan word/s verification ni...
kemuncaknya pada kronologi yang terakhir..bila aku ke blogger dashbord ni..maka teradanya beberapa blog update..vah!

arakian aku pn dengan perasaan biasa-biasa saja, pergi la baca entri nya tu..
ntah pape la bro sifu wt fakta..fakta mata. tu tulisnya.."knapa bersin tutup mata?sbb kalau bersin buka mata,mata terjojol kuar.." ntah pape..lucu gak aku baca..ak nk try bersin sambil luaskan mata aku guna jari.law xterkeuar jg mata aku tu ak nk mintak pampasan.
yg ak tau pasal fakta mata, ni je kot..

otak burung unta lg kecik dr matanya...

maknanya matanya lg besar dt otak dia la kan..hurm..(btul ke ea..bsar ke kecik ea dr matanya?aku da lupa r..ngee.) anda check blik la..tgk blik iklan susu ank wardina tu..

kendatipun, satu lagi fakta mata.yang ni ak kompem..ak siap wt reseach n pemerhatian lg ha..


kadar kerdipan mata wanita adalah lbih tingg drp lelaki..

hah..knape ea..ce teka,ce teka..jeng3!

oke,tu je seciput sedut fakta yg aku taw.

wowowo! opss...
bukan fakta ni yg ak nk cerita.tuu..pasal word/s verification kat post comment tu..
hahahahahahahahaha..ak nk gelak dulu..
jap..skali ag ak nk gelak jugak...
bia la kamu2 smua pikir tu x klaka..ak nk juga kata klaka pasal word/s verification ni..sbb apa? sbb td ak nk post comment kt blog sifu tu..kne la type wv bagaikan..haih.kuar plak wv nya picat..skali tgk mcam pacat geli-geli je.eiii.. dua kali tgk mcam pepijat..^0^
eh,jap..wv tu ad makna ke eah?..(aku naif....)
skali tu ad jd wv explem. adakah explem tu =explain.
lg, reati..ape nih?! cam org mlayu nk ckap org putis je.."u tak reati buwwat ea..euww~"
yg ssungguhnya, nk kta "ko tak reti buat ea..ei!"

syahdan,sesungguh dan sebetulnya..wv ni mampu membuat aku tersengeh dan scara tak langsung wt ak tpikir...sikit tak banyak bergerak juga la otak aku ni.. terus idea terjana lalu entri ni terbina.
huh.seqian larh dulu ye anda..itu saja la kowt dan assalamualaikum :)